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We always have something new to share, and this is the place for lots of handy product tips, installation photos as well as up to date info about our most recent innovations.
Nema 2 Cabe Ladder Installation
Apr 29, 2013 | Cable Ladder, NEMA 2 | 0 Comments

This is a great photo of a recent electrical installation using Nema 2 hot dip galvanised steel cable ladder. The ladders running across the wall have been held down onto cantilevers, whereas trapezes have been made to support the ladder running from the left to right. The risers used to lead the ca... Continue Reading
Using Hold Down Units
Dec 08, 2012 | Hold Down Units, Cable Tray, Cable Ladder | 0 Comments
Hold down units are components used to hold down lengths of cable tray or ladder onto pieces of strut. Different trays and ladders tend to use different types of hold down, depending on their size and profile, but the overall principle on how they work remains the same: In the case of ET3 tray, to i... Continue Reading
Cable Ladder Risers
Dec 04, 2012 | Cable Ladder, Risers | 0 Comments
Here are some great examples of cable ladder risers in application on a project. Risers are fittings available for all sizes of steel, aluminium, and FRP cable ladder and allow for a 90 degree upward or downward curve as a part of the ladder installation. If you need to change the level of the ladde... Continue Reading
Splice Plates
Oct 08, 2012 | Splice Plates, Cable Ladder, NEMA 1 | 0 Comments
If you want to join 2 lengths of cable ladder together, all you need is a pair of splice plates. Splice plates come in standard, horizontal or vertical hinge type and are available for steel, aluminium and FRP cable ladder. It is handy to remember that splice components for steel Nema 1 cable ladder... Continue Reading
Covers for use with Cable Tray and Ladder
Sep 10, 2012 | Cable Ladder, Cable Tray | 0 Comments
Sometimes you may need to put a cover on top of your cable tray or ladder to provide more protection against the elements to your cables. Depending on the job, and how much protection you need to offer, you can use either a standard flat, peaked, or peaked and vented cover to protect your cables fro... Continue Reading
What's the NEMA 12A Standard for Cable Ladder?
Jul 22, 2012 | Cable Ladder | 0 Comments
EzyStrut manufactures a range of cable ladder sizes conforming to load requirements. One of these is the Nema 1 Cable Ladder, conforming to Nema 12A loading requirements. Nema, which stands for National Electrical Manufacturers Association is a US organisation who's standards for electrical equipmen... Continue Reading
Fire Rated Cable Ladder Innovation Patent
Jul 22, 2012 | Cable Ladder, NEMA 2 | 0 Comments
One of EzyStrut's most recent products is Australia’s first cable support ladder complying with the AS3013:2005 Australian fire rating. "Our EzyStrut fire-rated cable ladder is a new concept in fire-rated cable support products in Australia," said EzyStrut General Manager Chris Hartwig. "Korvest’s e... Continue Reading
EzyStrut FRP Cable Ladder
Jul 22, 2012 | Cable Ladder, NEMA 2 | 0 Comments
Complimenting its range of Steel and Aluminium Cable Ladder, EzyStrut has a range of Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Cable Ladder and Strut. EzyStrut's Nema 2 Cable Ladder and accessories, along with E1000 Strut are also available in FRP versions. Pultruded FRP products are made with the combination ... Continue Reading
Cable Ladder Side Rail Heights
Jul 22, 2012 | Cable Ladder | 0 Comments
How do the side rail heights of different EzyStrut Cable Ladders Compare? You can find comparative information on all of EzyStrut's cable ladder in our catalogues or online, or, use the handy table below. Cable LadderFinish Steel Aluminium Fibre Reinforced Plastic NEMA 1 65mm 90mm NA NEMA 2 93mm 10... Continue Reading