Copyright Statement
All text, images, graphics, PDFs, animations, videos, sounds, and other materials on this website are subject to the copyrights and other intellectual property rights of Korvest Ltd.
Apart from the purposes of private study and private use, this information cannot be used without written permission from Korvest Ltd.
These materials may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor may these materials be modified or reposted to other websites.
If you would like to use any text, images, graphics, pdf's, animation, videos, sounds, and other materials on this website for any other purposes contact us to obtain a "Copyright Release Form".
Website Disclaimer
Korvest Ltd has made every reasonable attempt to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed. However, it does not guarantee the information is complete, correct, or up to date, and it is also subject to change without notice.
In no event shall Korvest Ltd be liable to any person, organisation or business under any law for any loss or damage related to any information we have published on this site (in any form), or on another site, or this site itself.
Website Privacy Statement
1. Korvest Ltd and its related companies will comply with the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 and the privacy provisions of other applicable legislation.
2. Korvest Ltd views any breach of privacy protection as serious, and will take appropriate action in such cases.
3. Any personal information collected by Korvest Ltd is covered by this policy. Personal information is information or an opinion that can identify a person. Korvest Ltd will only collect information that is necessary for its activities.
4. Korvest Ltd will advise individuals of the purpose for which their personal information is collected, and of the impact of not providing that information.
5. Korvest Ltd will only disclose information in accordance with the Privacy Amendment Act. This may include disclosure as required by law, where Korvest Ltd has the individual's consent, or for the purpose for which it was collected or related purposes that are reasonable to expect.
6. Korvest Ltd will treat all personal information with due care and take all reasonable steps to protect any personal information it holds from misuse, loss and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. This includes during storage, collection, processing transmission and destruction.
7. Korvest Ltd will take reasonable steps to ensure that all personal information it collects, uses or discloses is accurate, complete and up-to-date. You may request access to your personal information in order to correct it. This request should be directed to the department or employee where the information was initially collected, or if via email, direct to
8. Enquiries or concerns about privacy matters should be made in writing to the Company Secretary at Korvest Ltd, 580 Prospect Road, Kilburn, SA, 5084.
9. Where an individual wishes to interact anonymously, and such interaction does not compromise the information collected nor the purpose for which Korvest Ltd collects it, the individual is not required to provide personal or sensitive information.
10. Korvest Ltd will not collect sensitive information from an individual unless given consent to do so, or where required by law in specific circumstances such as matters of individual or public health or safety.
11. Korvest Ltd will review its privacy policy from time to time, and incorporate amendments in the updated policy.