Sometimes you may need to put a cover on top of your cable tray or ladder to provide more protection against the elements to your cables. Depending on the job, and how much protection you need to offer, you can use either a standard flat, peaked, or peaked and vented cover to protect your cables from water or dust. Normally, standard covers for tray or ladder products are 2400mm long, and are either screwed into place or held down with cover clamps/straps.
If you are choosing a cover for a tray or ladder, you can normally get a cover supplied that is made from the same material. Ie, if you are using a stainless steel or aluminium ladder, it is possible to get a stainless steel or aluminium cover. The only exception to keep in mind for this guide is for FRP ladder: If you wish to put a cover onto a Fibre Reinforced Plastic Cable Ladder, both stainless steel and FRP covers are available.
If you are considering putting a cover on a cable ladder network, remember that fittings for cable ladder also have compatible covers to suit. For example, it is possible to put a bend cover onto a ladder bend.