There are many projects that require strut to be joined not just lengthways, but also at an angle and at different orientations. For example, you may need to have one length connected to another at a 90 degree angle and make sure that the open part of the strut faces a specific direction. This is possible with Angle Fittings. The E1026 product allows you to join 2 lengths at a 90 degree angle, and there are plenty of other variations that will allow joining at different angles and from different sides of the strut. These fittings are made with 6mm thick steel, and come in other veriations to allow for different strengths and nature of joins depending on your specific needs.
On some projects, you may need to install lengths of strut at a specific angle, instead of either straight horizontally or vertically. There are a multiple variations of fittings that allow for a 45 degree join, sch as the E1186 or E1546 which will allow you to join 2 lengths of 41mm wide strut at a fixed 45 degree angle. However, if you needed to have an adjustable angle, we can help with this too, with the E2815 adjustable fitting. These fittings allow you to shift the angle of the join, and are supplied with M12 bolts and nuts for onsite assembly. There is also a double type variation of E2815 available, which will allow you to join 2 lengths of strut at the required angle to another if you need to do this.


