E2786 Beam Clamp HDG

  • Weight: 0.47 kg
E2786 Beam Clamp HDG

Material Specification

Working Load when used in pairs: 407kg

Product Details

EzyStrut Beam Clamps are manufactured to suit a wide variety of applications and reduce on site installation costs by eliminating the need to drill structures in most circumstances.

All beam clamps including fasteners are fully galvanised to produce heavy duty protection in most conditions.

The beam clamp load ratings have been derived from actual test results conducted by a NATA certified laboratory. A minimum safety factor of 2 has been applied.

Technical Details

Download beam clamp datasheet from catalogue.

CAD Download: Beam Clamps & Hangers STP Files.

Ordering Details

Box Qty: 10

A Usually in stock at all branches

Available Finishes

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